Advanced Analytics with Pro Tools

The value of bioinformatics tools is realized by empowering researchers to make informed decisions based on their data. However, this is not straightforward as every researcher is different, and every data is different, how can we develop tools to effectively meet such needs?

As shown in the figure on the right, we can achieve this in three stages – raw data processing, exploratory data analysis, and prescriptive analytics. For basic research, we are mainly at the first two stages (discovery phase). For translational applications, we need to validate a workflow from exploratory data analysis, and use the workflow to process future data for decision making. The process is more rigorous and requires considerations of other contextual information.

In addition to better interfaces and more features compared to the community tools, pro tools are designed with those goals in mind:

  • Efficiency & Productivity - streamlined workflow creation and execution based on templates (i.e. purpose-built workflows), automatic generation of analysis reports and slides.
  • Stability & Reproducibility - through project management, resumable analysis, and R command tracking
  • Better Computing & Larger Data - multiple computing nodes available. For raw data processing, users can directly use their Google Drive to share large data.
  • Better Support - prioritized for troubleshooting and new feature requests. AI Omics Assistants are available and grow with time.

Overview of Main Features

The pro tools currently contain over 9 advanced features accessible as the top menu items as illustrated on the right:

  1. Dark/light mode for better experience - default is dark mode as shown on the right.
  2. AI Omics Assistant - to help data analysis and interpretation - it is based on ChatGPT with our own knowledge base.
  3. Project Folder - to view all raw files generated during analysis.
  4. Live Report - to generate PowerPoint presentations, interactive report and PDF report.
  5. Save Project - to save current project with annotations.
  6. All Saved Project - to view and start analysis from your saved projects. You can delete and share project within teams
  7. Execute Workflow - to define workflow and perform automated data analysis after data upload and sanity check
  8. Better computing with multiple computing nodes (4 currently)
  9. Larger data upload for both normal file upload or raw data upload via Google Drive

Subscription to Pro Tools

We offer two types of subscriptions:

  • Individual Subscription - designed for one person. If you have taken our Omics Data Science course, you are eligible for a membership discount on the regular price.
  • Lab Package - designed for a regular lab or team, with 2~4 people involved in data analysis. The prices for extra seats and trainings are given below. The primary account owner can create sub-accounts and assign to different members. The primary account will have control (create/update/delete) of the sub-accounts. Different accounts can share projects and workflows.
The prices for annual subscription (in USD) of different pro tools are given below. Please use the Registration page to reach us.

ToolsIndividual Price (Member)Extra Seats (2nd | 3rd | 4th)Trainings (2nd | 3rd | 4th)
All Six Pro Tools$1200 ($1000)+$800 | +$700 | +$600+$800 | +$700 | +$600
MetaboAnalyst Pro$750 ($600)+$480 | +$420 | +$360+$240 | +$210 | +$180
MicrobiomeAnalyst Pro$600 ($500)+$400 | +$350 | +$300+$240 | +$210 | +$180
ExpressAnalyst Pro$600 ($500)+$400 | +$350 | +$300+$240 | +$210 | +$180
OmicsAnalyst Pro$600 ($500)+$400 | +$350 | +$300+$240 | +$210 | +$180
OmicsNet Pro$600 ($500)+$400 | +$350 | +$300+$240 | +$210 | +$180
miRNet Pro$500 ($400)+$320 | +$280 | +$240+$240 | +$210 | +$180